Realtalk is a virtual morning tea to connect with other social entrepreneurs. It’s casual and informal and confidential. It enables you to connect with others and share what’s going on with you.
This week Florence Davidson from the Christie Centre is stewarding a portfolio social enterprise through change and growth. From the Mildura Chocolate Company, to GrowAbility Nursery, from Around Again waste management and recycling to ArtRageUs, the Christie Centre is creating meaningful employment pathways and an inclusive, regenerative economy in Victoria’s north-west.
Join your peers for RealTalk virtual morning-tea Tuesday, 16 August at 10.30am.
RealTalk invites social enterprise people to share what’s on your mind in a casual and confidential space where we can explore our unique challenges. Every tea-break we have a new social enterprise leader sharing what’s on their mind.
Sit with us and a coffee, or take us on your mid-morning walk in the crisp outdoors.
However you open up and connect, join us for a tea break (its BYO)