Enterprise name Social Good Outpost
What’s the trading activity Our aim is to help social enterprises to communicate their message clearly through design and communication. We also provide assistance with digital ecosystems, tech support and tutoring so clients are empowered to manage their own business operations. Our focus area currently is building tools and learning that help even 1-person social enterprises to measure and track their impact, and communicate that to others – for funding, sales, and accreditations.
Our key customers are social enterprises or for-purpose businesses, often in an established but formalising stage, where they need help to run their operations more effectively and communicate to customers to help grow their business. We work with non-profits also, and provide expertise to government, often around event curation.
What’s the social or environmental cause your enterprise addresses?
Our social enterprise model is that for every 10 paid hours, we offer 1 hour of “Design for Good” to a women-led, LGBTIQ-led, or Indigenous-led enterprise. Currently our pro bono offering is strategic advice for clarity and a plan of action to achieve business goals. We found that when we were able to help businesses with strategic plans, over short term design, the founders had more direction and confidence in how to get where they wanted to go. After the strategy session we are often able to help with the actual design or communication needs, on a practical level and sliding scale.
What is your hope for the future?
As a feminist business, we want to see business change the way it operates. All business could produce positive social and environmental effects, and be more genuine in their sales, services and relations with customers. Less scare tactics, less scarcity mindset – more generosity and empowering people. In the future we hope that business is a change agent for the better – more agile than government, more able to respond to community needs, and show new and cleaner ways of living in our world – which can often be picked up by governments who see this working, and spread across society for the better.