Enterprise name CERES Tamil Feasts
What’s the cause விருந்து Tamil Feasts is a social enterprise supporting recently settled asylum seekers through the celebration of food and culture and serving up traditional Sri Lankan fare prepared by Tamil men currently seeking asylum in Australia.
What’s the trading activity Tamil Feasts are a sit down 3 course dinner serving traditional Tamil food. Occuring every Wednesday,Thursday and Friday night at the CERES Merri Café from 7:00pm. Our customers come from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures and ages.
How are you going with the work? The enterprise has been running for over 4 years and has currently employs 4 Tamil Chefs (who are seeking asylum). The enterprise has grown in this time from one weekly feast night to 3 regular feasts each week. The team are also make delicious products – chai and pickles that are sold through the CERES Grocery and Fair Food. Tamil Feasts is supported by a large team of volunteers who support with food preparation and service.
Biggest challenge Supporting the team and the challenges they face outside of the project eg immigration
Maintaining a certain number of bookings each week.
Maintaining a certain number of volunteers each week.
Financial sustainability
Keeping things fresh eg menus, guest speakers to retain longer term supporters.
Infrastructure limitations – shared kitchen.
Hope for the future To expand the Tamil Feasts team – train and employee new people and expand their current opportunities and connect them to a supportive community.
To connect more people with current issues people seeking asylum face.
To explore expansion of a catering service, production line and regular market stall.
To continue to celebrate our multicultural community through delicious food and stories.