Enterprise name    CERES Nursery

What’s the trading activity   

We sell native, indoor and food plants, as well as books, garden tools and some locally, artisanally made goods such as ceramic pots and bird baths. Whether it’s a food forest or simply a window box for herbs, we supply a vast array of plants to grow and enjoy in the garden, as well as providing the knowledge and support to do so. Our customers range from novice gardeners, to experienced food growers who wish to utilise and maximise the space they have available.

What’s the social or environmental cause your enterprise addresses?

The CERES Nursery aims to encourage backyard food production. Planting a beautiful, healthy and productive garden filled with food is one of the most creative and peaceful ways to sustain individual and planetary health. The Nursery is also a place to relax, and take positive action towards creating a better world. All profits from our sales go back into supporting the programs and operations of CERES Community Environment Park.

What is the biggest challenge?

Many for-profit Nurseries can offer competitive prices and can claim to offer advice for food gardening. Our main aim is to empower our customers and provide them with access to the skills they need. We are constantly looking for new ways to reach a broader audience, maintain our legendary customer service, and make sure we are providing the right product for our community.


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