Enterprise name  The Community Grocer

What’s the trading activity?

  The Community Grocer (TCG) believes a vibrant market place is a powerful setting for social and environmental change. We run weekly affordable fresh food markets to support healthy connected communities. We address the physical, economic, and social barriers to fresh food access by holding markets in convenient locations in low-income areas; stocking culturally appropriate produce; and creating a weekly gathering space that promotes community connections and celebrates diversity.

  What’s the social or environmental cause your enterprise addresses?

With the rising costs of living, many households are struggling to put fresh food on the table. 41% of Victorians now experience food insecurity. Moving beyond traditional welfare models of food relief, we offer customers choice and dignity to purchase quality produce at prices 60% cheaper than any other local food outlet, including the major supermarkets. We run five weekly markets in Carlton, Fitzroy, Fawkner, Heidelberg West and Pakenham, serving over 500 households each week.

 What’s the biggest challenge?

We don’t have key infrastructure, like a cool room and vehicle, that would enable us to have control of our own purchasing and distribution (rather than relying on a wholesaler). This would increase our financial viability, create opportunity for growth and enable us to have positive environmental impacts by purchasing our produce from local sustainable farms and urban farming enterprise. We have the growing partnerships in place, but we need some cash to get set up!

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