Enterprise name  No Corners Housing

What’s the trading activity?  Low-embodied energy and carbon, low fire risk, and affordable housing design and construction is what our infant enterprise is interested in advancing. Bringing innovations to concrete construction through reducing carbon emissions, including recycled materials, reducing weight without compromising strength, incorporating sod earth roofing so parklands can be developed and remain parklands, and aiming for low embodied energy-dependent housing over the long term is what we seek to do. The enterprise is at the stage of bringing stakeholders together to plan out the first steps toward making affordable, group, and residential developments in the social, disability, and aged care housing sectors.

What’s the social or environmental cause your enterprise addresses?

Climate Change
Green Housing
Green Urban Development
Affordable Housing / Homelessness
Disability Housing
Aged Care Housing Models
High Fire Danger Areas Housing Models

How are you going with the work?

The project is in its infancy. As my startup is in housing design and construction, I will need expertise in the planning and execution of the first stages which will be to identify partners to build a proof of concept housing design through to construction.