Enterprise name Professional Migrant Women

What’s the trading activity Our aim is to increase representation of diverse women in Australia through meaningful employment, career progression and leadership development through an intersectional lense.

How are you going with the work?

For the past two years, our team of PMW volunteers has been helping migrants women secure their first professional job in Australia, with 60% of our participants finding jobs during or in the first 3 months after the program.

However, the multiple personal and systematic barriers that diverse women face, makes it difficult for them to maximise their potential and contribution in the workplace.

Professional migrant women are capable, adapted and ambitious, and are willing to take on new challenges and contribute with their skills and talents. But they need opportunities and support to overcome the barriers that hold them back.

We want to expand our services and offer programs that help diverse women develop their skills, gain visibility and influence to advance their careers and increase representation.

These programs will give sustainability to our business, create employment opportunities and increase our impact.

What is the biggest challenge?

The biggest challenge is access to funding or capital.

Our level 1 program, is a 3-months program with very low administrative fees that cover the cost of our systems, but is not enough to make our operations sustainable.

For that reason, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign to support pilots for our 2 new programs. More details in the link below.

